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Rescues a Baby Fawn from a Drowning Lake with a Brave Goldendoodle

Definitely not every hero wears a cape! Some, like Harley, don nothing but a smile!

When help was most needed, this heroic Virginia Goldendoodle jumped into action and earned headlines across the globe!

About 200 feet offshore, Ralph Dorn, the dog’s owner, saw the six-year-old dog paddling with an unidentified animal for the most noble cause imaginable.

Ralph noticed that Harley wasn’t just swimming aimlessly when he got a bit closer—rather, he was actively participating in a rescue operation!

Harley Leaped Into Action Right Away

goldendoodle swimming in a lake

Virginian Ralph Dorn was aware that his Goldendoodle, Harley, was no typical dog. He’s always been a great guy, incredibly perceptive, and incredibly smart.

Nevertheless, Harley saved his hooman from drowning by acting quickly to save a baby fawn. This was his second successful surprise of his hooman.

Ralph surmises that Harley must have spotted the fawn in the water and acted without hesitation.

He leapt into action as soon as he saw the newborn fawn desperately struggling to escape the water! He simply began swimming in the direction of the infant, who was about 200 feet off the coast, without giving it any thought or asking why.

His Friend and Him Paddling Until They Were Safe

godlendoodle helping baby fawn

It was no picnic helping the fawn that was only a few days old! Harley had to lead her all the way to the coast because the infant lacked motor skills and was unsure of how to get there. Harley, on the other hand, was swimming expertly and guiding his newest companion to the beach!

Ralph claims that Harley would herd the fawn back towards the seashore whenever it attempted to turn away, and they would continue to approach closer and closer.

photo of dog harley and baby fawn in water


There is no doubt that the baby would not have survived if it weren’t for Harley! Fortunately, the Golden boi managed to get the fawn to land, and as soon as they emerged from the water, he began tending to it by licking its body.

harley the dog and baby fawn on grass

He didn’t want to leave the kid; all he wanted to do was make sure it was secure!

But shortly after the rescue, the mother of the fawn appeared on the lawn. Ralph saw her right away, so he and Harley hurried inside their home to ensure that the mother and child could finally be together peacefully.

A Lovely Bond Was Formed

dog harley sniffing baby fawn

Ralph believed that to be the end of it, but Harley shocked him even more the following morning! This Golden boy came up to him and his wife Patricia were sipping coffee when he began to run from window to window.

He was obviously eager to go out, but Ralph couldn’t figure out why. When he let Harley out the front door, he saw the cutest thing he had ever seen!

photo of baby fawn and dog harley in woods

It was the same young fawn that Harley had rescued from the lake the day before that he could actually hear bleating nearby! With great enthusiasm, he went to this infant, and the moment they were together, the deer ceased bleating.

They sniffed at one other and wagged their tails together for a few pawdorable moments, and that was all! Harley returned home after their brief encounter, thrilled to see his tiny buddy!

There is no denying Harley’s exceptional capacity to assist others and his keen sense of intuition! He assisted the elderly and young people in his neighborhood as a licensed therapy dog before his valiant rescue!


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