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After years of struggling to survive, the bullied cat Shrek finds a loving home.

In life, Shrek hasn’t gotten the best hand. Starvation, scrambles, bullying, and constant fear defined his days.

The sad fact is that many cats suffer the same end, regardless of whether they were abandoned or happened upon by a group of wild cats.

cat lying in purple tray

You can see that the monster was rather gentle—well, delicate for a cat—and had large, gooey eyes from partial blindness in addition to several wounds from fights. It was clear he had overcome some significant obstacles.

At Emily Shields’ Whiskers N Wishes Sanctuary in Arizona, a haven for furry souls like him, he was given another shot.

Emily only needed to look at him to realize that Shrek’s future extended beyond brawls on the streets. His visage was etched with his movie star name.

woman giving cat a kiss

His journey was not an easy one. His eyelids had turned inward, a condition known as entropion, which had made his eyesight fuzzy. Emily clarified:

“He was not receiving enough nutrition because of this medical condition that prevents him from seeing clearly out of his eyes.”

But Whiskers N Wishes remained steadfast. After arduous fundraising efforts, Shrek underwent surgery and gained a completely new perspective on the world. Finding a permanent home for a cat with specific needs is not always simple, though.

After a few weeks, Shrek’s optimism began to fade. Then his opportunity presented itself from all around the country.

cat wearing shrek ears

Shrek’s story enthralled a New York couple Emily referred to as “some of the nicest people” she had ever met.

Miles did not stop him; his new paw-rents made sure he always traveled in luxury and was comfortable. Emily revealed:

“I found it unbelievable that they would go to such lengths to obtain this cat.”

For Shrek, being indoors was a whole new world because he had never known the pleasures of it. He quickly adjusted, though. Emily also mentioned:

He had no idea that he could see above himself, thus he had never glanced up before. He didn’t really know how to do that, so we had to sort of teach him about the vertical plain in existence.

cat lying with eyes closed

He learned how to climb, explore, and take pleasure in the warmth of the sun streaming through a window. Above all, he discovered the true significance of playful pats, tender touches, and endless embraces.

Shrek had an incredible metamorphosis, growing from a shy warrior to a loving, playful friend. He disproved prejudices and showed his humanity his allegiance.

Everyone in the nation was touched by his story, which Whiskers N Wishes shared. It brought much-needed attention to the suffering endured by rescue animals and the work being done by the sanctuary.

Not to mention, the person who discovered him compared his face to the well-known ogre and commented on his protruding cheeks, which is how he acquired his moniker.

woman and cat wearing sherk costumes

Shrek is a real testament to the persistence of kindness and the belief that everyone is deserving of a second shot as he pursues his undying love for his family.

But there’s more to this tale than just his personal happy ever after. His guardian angel at Whiskers N Wishes, Emily Shields, spoke movingly about,

“I would like to thank Shrek. Because of the attention he garnered, we have been able to assist many more animals both before and after him. I will always remember him. I will always adore Shrek, and I have yet to encounter a cat just like him.”

photo of shrek cat

Thus, keep Shrek in mind the next time you see a stray cat. Never forget that there might be a purring heart that is just waiting for the opportunity to emerge from the shadows and live the life it so richly deserves.

No matter how much they resemble ogres, all cats should ultimately have a happy ever after, right?


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