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A man discovers he has found his soul dog when he notices a cute face peeking through the drain pipe.

A small brown dog believed it would be best to hide in a drain pipe by the side of a road while searching for a place to escape the hard life of the streets.

While she remained in this miserable shelter, the young dog, who would later be named Charlie, hoped that someone would see her and help her.

Unfortunately, nobody was able to detect her tiny figure because most of the cars were moving too quickly.

Charlie felt a wave of melancholy as she realized this. She was going to change her fortunes, though, she was unaware of that.

Mission of Rescue

dog peeking through drain pipe

Aubrey V. Lynn could never have predicted that the kindest guy in the world would interrupt her work that day as she was saying goodbye to her colleague, who was leaving for the gym, while she worked from home.

“My partner saw her as he was leaving our neighborhood for the gym while I was working at home. He turned around and sent me a message because he felt he couldn’t just drive by her,” Aubrey V. Lynn said.

Aubrey felt they had to take action because she couldn’t bear to see this adorable dog suffer another night on the streets.

dog in a drain pipe

She would occasionally emerge from the hole, which gave us both a lot of anxiety. But she wouldn’t allow us to approach her closely enough to capture her.

Then the two had an amazing concept. In the hopes that luring tiny Charlie out of the drain might be possible, they made their way to their neighborhood pet store and purchased some delicious dog food.

They waited after setting up the delectable trap. Regretfully, the terrified dog was still not ready to come outside even after a full day.

man sitting next to a dog peeking from drain pipe

For hours, we sat there attempting to seize her. We got back on our scooter and went to leave because she wouldn’t come out, and she came running up to us.

In an attempt to stop the puppy from running away, Aubrey swiftly grabbed her up. And when she did, Charlie seemed to sense Aubrey’s love for him right away, which allowed him to at last unwind.

She instantly became calm and stopped trying to flee.

Fresh Life

photo of a dog on top of stairs

Bringing the cute dog with them, Aubrey and her companion made their way home.

After spending some time with Charlie, they soon had second thoughts about not wanting a dog and found it difficult to envisage their lives without her.

We didn’t discuss it while attempting to save her because our main concern was getting her to safety, but I believe we both realized at that same moment that she had become a member of our family.

woman holding rescued dog

Charlie quickly adapted to her new surroundings, so it didn’t really matter that she didn’t spend much time in the warmth and security of a loving household.

Charlie adjusted quite nicely. After a while of letting her eat and sleep in safety, she was shy the first time we sat down with her but rapidly warmed up. It was so sweet to see how much all she wanted was to be loved.

Now that Charlie is outside playing and running around, Aubrey and her boyfriend can’t help but realize what a wonderful addition this adorable puppy has made to their household.

Charlie, good girl!


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